Shooting with Juergen Teller and Alistair Mackie, #KNEONKID Adam Searle balances a high flying modelling career with making music, club promoting and studying at the Univeristy of Edinburgh. Born and raised in Manchester, the 21 year old model @ Tomorrow Is Another Day talks about creativity and passion.

When did you start modelling?
My first modelling job was a shoot in November 2013 but it wasn’t published till the following summer, and my first shows were in Paris in January 2014 for AW14 collections.
Could you tell us about something you found surprising/ exciting about getting into modelling?
I didn’t expect it to be anything at all when I was stopped on the street by Eva Gödel (the director at TIAD - who, by the way, is one of the most inspirational people I have ever met)... she just ran up to me and said “hey I really think you should model for my agency” and to be quite honest I didn’t really know anything about how modelling works, or that there were agencies, or that TIAD was a really cool one to be with. I signed the contract and thought nothing of it, then just a few weeks later I was on a plane to Venice to shoot the Marc Jacobs campaign with Jürgen Teller and Alistair Mackie. I just couldn’t believe how great everyone was. I expected the world of fashion to be full of egos and pomposity, but all the people I met on that shoot were so grounded and friendly. But most of all, they expressed this creativity that I’d never witnessed before! It was just fascinating seeing the world how they saw it, and I feel that with every single job since I’ve had this unique and amazing opportunity to be completely involved with someone else’s vision – an experience I’m really grateful for.

Black Top from Juniors be Junior, Snap-back from Juniors be Junior. Jeans and shoes model's own.
What are your daily creative outlets?
I produce music on Ableton live using Abelton push, a kaoss pad and a roland SP404 linear wave sampler. Whenever I have time I kind of just sit down and work on music, its nice working on a track or an idea intermittently as opposed to spending days and days back to back.

Name two songs you’re addicted to right now.
Sound Stream – Makin Love Voices from the Lake – S.T.
Best time waster?
Trawling through DJ mixes and reviews of new music for ideas and tracks is a great way to spend a day, although I don’t suppose it’s completely wasted. My biggest time waster has got to be scrolling through Instagram, as sad that sounds it's a great place for looking at the worlds of fashion and art at a glance.

Catwalk vs. DJ set; which gives more adrenaline?
Catwalk must be a bigger adrenaline rush at the time, its like you turn up and walk for 3 minutes and make years of hard work seem worthwhile for the people involved. However, nothing is more satisfying than looking up from playing a set which you’ve had time to develop and explore to see a crowd having a great time.
Ideal set-up to DJ?
2 x CDJs, 2 x Technics SL1200 turntables and an Allen & Heath Xone92 mixer.
The best part about juggling an international modelling career with student life in Edinburgh.
I get to go away a lot for a few days at a time, which lets me see a lot of the world I guess I’d otherwise not see. Coming back to my friends in Edinburgh is the best, and as I’m only away for short periods of time, I never get ‘fear of missing out’ too bad!

Besides your phone, a belonging you always have with you?
I’ve got this minging habit of collecting old receipts and train tickets, its not that I collect them or anything (that would be weird) but I always see my wallet looking huge and get all excited to be disappointed with whats inside.
Five years from now – what is your dream situation?
A job where I’m working with interesting and inspiring people in an exciting place!
Photographed and interviewed by Lucy Henshall
Kid is Adam Searle
Clothing by Juniors be Junior